Joana Bárbara Fonseca

Joana Bárbara Fonseca was born in Coimbra, in the stormy summer of 1984, already curious. She has a degree in Portuguese and Lusophone Studies, from the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra; a Master in Classical Studies, in the branch of Ancient World, by the same institution. Her postgraduate studies in Poetics and Hermeneutics in the area of ​​Classical Studies are also from the University of Coimbra. Currently she is a PhD Fellow in Materialities of Literature, a context that has allowed her to address topics such as digital literacy, digital communities and user-generated content (where fandoms and their literary production, fanfiction, can be included) and the aesthetics of surveillance and counter-surveillance in contemporary forms of digital technodystopia. She is a teacher trainer accredited by the CCPFC.

Ciência Vitae: