Joana Bárbara Fonseca
Joana Bárbara Fonseca was born in Coimbra, in the stormy summer of 1984, already curious. She has a degree in Portuguese and Lusophone Studies, from the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra; a Master in Classical Studies, in the branch of Ancient World, by the same institution. Her postgraduate studies in Poetics and Hermeneutics in the area of Classical Studies are also from the University of Coimbra. Currently she is a PhD Fellow in Materialities of Literature, a context that has allowed her to address topics such as digital literacy, digital communities and user-generated content (where fandoms and their literary production, fanfiction, can be included) and the aesthetics of surveillance and counter-surveillance in contemporary forms of digital technodystopia. She is a teacher trainer accredited by the CCPFC.
Ciência Vitae: