Writing, digging, listening, carving: writing as practice and research method

MATLIT LAB: Laboratory of Humanities organizes a series of workshops on the writing of a PhD thesis, with the participation of PhDs and doctoral students in Materialities of Literature. In each workshop, two guests offer their responses to four questions related to specific writing problems, thus illuminating their working methods. This is followed by Q&A open to all participants. Every Wednesday, between March 3 and May 5, 2021, from 6 pm to 7 pm (Lisbon time), via Zoom. Free event, registration required, via email matlitlab@gmail.com. Registration is valid for all sessions. The complete programme is available at this link.
How do you write a doctoral thesis?
There is no single reply to this question, but multiple answers, many possible paths, as varied as the number of people writing doctoral theses. On the other hand, this is a question that can also be multiplied or divided into several questions, smaller and more specific, so that we are able transform into clearly defined steps something that at times seems so ethereal and unattainable. We find our particular method also by observing other models and practices; writing a thesis is an individual process, but not necessarily a solitary one. In turn, the writing of theses in the Humanities has its own particular methods, mainly related to the fact that writing and reading are also primary methods and tools for research.